Friday, October 31, 2008
Mamma Mia
I really dont know why, Zac Effron isnt cute nor handsome but so many gals like him....maybe coz he's rich??? I think Lucas is better than Zac. The person i like most is Olesya Rulin. She's the piano girl....she just got this tempting smile and she's much much more prettier *empasize* than Vanessa... Anyway, the first song, Now or Never and the ending song, High School Musical (it's the song's name) is very nice... There're a few nice ones too but i forgot their names.
Anyway, here i go to the theatre and watch. The intro of the movie was the camera on Zac's hair and all of sudden, he just take up his head...guess what? There's a bunch of girl who screamed like they just saw a superstar. Hey, they did isnt it?? XD I just find it funny lol!
Today, two kids shocked me with two things they said... One of them is that one of them behave like an adult... Talks like one too and the other is, the other one asked me a question that i find sickening...
"Do you ever wanted to have a vagina?"
I was like.... "whaa??" and i asked him how come he asked me this question. Thankfully, some dude who's much older than him asked him that...and he doesnt know what vagina is... lolx! I never answered that question of coz... Why would i want have a vagina? Im a guy isnt it???? Anyway, this is not the first time he asked me this kind of thing. He's a very curious kid and he asked me once, "what is ejaculation and masturbate?" Lol! I actually try to explain to him... Anyway, this is one of the negative effect of exposing little kids to the Internet... They are exposed to all these kind of stuff... and this kid, well, his Net buddies is the one who asks him all these idiotic questions...
On the contrast, i like to do stupid stuff and one of the current stupid stuff i did was playin with fire... From time to time, there's weird peoplez who add me in MSN and usually i jz accept. Well, there's this gal, i flirt with her for no purpose and now, she fell in luv with me... I thought she's just another gal who's just playin some funny MSN flirting but it seems that she mean it! Lol! Now, i dont know how to tell her im just talking empty....I feel like a bad guy...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ok the places i can remember is we went to Lye Huat Garden. It's very nice place and in the same time, it's like a mini zoo. You've all kind of animals there including leopard, tiger and peacock. The entrance fee is RM10 but to me, i think it's worth it. It's because we stayed for like... 2 hours and more there... We've snapped some pics but sadly, i cannot transfer it to my computer yet... Card reader was spoiled and the same for laptop card reader.
After that, we went to a moutain where people mine crystals. Before that we went to Paddy Museum. They've this ginormous picture which is a real scenery which is the reflect of 360degree view around the museum or something like that. Then we went to that moutain but sadly, we cannot go into the mine without a tour guide and it cost 35bucks per person. In the same time, they require us to wear sports shoe but most of us are wearing slippers. You dont know how hot Alor Star is...the sun pratically burn your skin!!! Anyway, there're stalls of crystal sellings there and's another uber cheap crystals. You can actually buy them for a very cheap price of 2 buck! Wowz....
Then, if im not mistaken, we went for lunch. In a restaurant... YAY!!!! Guess what? The stuff in the restaurant is like uber cheap compared to Penang's. The cheapest food in the restaurant is RM 3.80 for a fried rice with fresh prawns and all. The most expensive is like... less than RM10 if im not mistaken. Wow...i ordered carrot milk and the taste of the carrot milk is like... so damn nice. Here, if you order carrot milk plus milk, it's still some cheapskate carrot milk plus water. But in that restaurant, carrot milk itself is more than enough and it's much more than enough compared to Penang's carrot milk plus milk.
Then we visited Mahathir's house and Tunku Abdul Rahman's house. Mahathir's house is much nicer compared to TAR's house. Nearby Mahathir's house is a ice making factory and we've visited there too. It's kinda fun with those few buttons that you can press. Like what Didi from Dexter's Lab always say and do... "Ooohhh what does this button do". And we pressed XD TAR's house is totally not like his because wow... in the olden days, i just realize you've bathtub, plasma TV, luxurious bed and luxurious, high quality wooden dining tables and chairs. It's NOT ORIGINAL AT ALL! For heaven sake, there was typo error in one of the introduction to TAR's house lolx! In english version, the cost of building this house was RM 20, 000, 00 and my first glace was, WTH 20MILLION!!!??? Then i realize, isnt 20M. For Malay version, it's written clearly RM 20, 000.00. Then ooh! It's 20k =.=".
Then we're off to Kedah Tower. I think we actually wasted 6 bucks just to ride an elevator and to the top of it. Why??? It is not air conditioned and basically, there's nothing much to do there. Just walk around, playing with the telescope and... ??? Well, i think that's it lolx!! Oh yea, there's those crappy massaging machines too and wowz, im surprised that peoplez actually paid for it who's practically, Raine, Sky, Joo Ann and Hwee Hwee i think. I think the one at my house is more than enuf so...ehehe...not looking forward for that massaging chair.
Then! We went to eat Lok Lok! Only 50cent per stick! Whatever the stuff is, it's just 50cent! CHEAP!!! Over here, the average amount minimum per stick is like 50cent and those colored with 50cent is like little lolx! They've curry puff there too and it's a famous one according to's instant made when peoplez want and the filling is! Nothing like the ones i've had so far. Sadly, they're like stingy or something like that cause the filling is little yet cost us 50cent each... PFS's is 30cent each with good filling but this mini curry puff is 50cent yea, it's expensive...
Basically, that's where we went i think...
On the other side, RENEE IS AT MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Mother is doing that post-birth stuff for my cousin. She is very little with the length of 46cm and the first baby ever to look like a real baby! Shu Vern and Darren was like...giant size as in term of babies... Both of them look so huge but Renee looked so tiny and so cute ^^
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So, well, gonna be leaving Penang for 2 days or rather 1 1/2 days. Hope it'll be a pleasant, peaceful vacation. Oh yeah, on the other hand, i'm getting a baby girl soon! YAY!!!! WOOHOO!!! Despite that she's still in the womb of my cousin's, we've decided to name her Renee. It's pronouced as 'rher-nay' and not 'ri-ni'. Guess what, her mom and me Christianed her! YAY!!!! It's ME!!! YAY!!! i loooooooove babies... Sadly, i wont get to take a look at her till im back from my vacation though...
Justice My Ass
Justice My Ass' Raja Petra says
If you love this country you should help circulate this mail to all your friends
who are MIC and MCA members, if they are not too busy enriching their own
pockets and make future generation of their children, their grand children
and their great grand children suffer. For 50 years the Chinese have given
their votes to MCA and for 50 years MCA have pass their votes to the Malay,
yes Malay in UMNO for a little self benefits. MCA members have no balls to
speak for the Chinese and yes MCA in Johor who have NO Balls to speak
against the UMNO. Where do you think the Malays come from ? Indonesia lah
and what ever happened to the great Chinese Warriors from Yunan that saved
these Malays from Siamese attack called Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and princess
Hang Li Po??, disappeared from our children's history books that we used to
read in our school days (ungrateful UMNO).
Only Raja Petra will speak for the Chinese and the Indians.
Subject: Raja Petra says, ' Justice My Ass !! '
Here's ANOTHER Reason NON-Malays Should NOT Vote
UMNO in Any Future General Elections and Bye-Elections
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Read here from M'sians Unplugged ...
Average Non-Malay Malaysians and NON-Malay Bumiputras
have LITTLE future for their children and their
grandchildren IF they still vote Barisan Nasional which
allows UMNO to remain in Government - it was before, it
is today, and it will be tomorrow.
Excerpts from article by Raja Petra Kamarudin
Raja Petra Kamarudin
'Last month, Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made was in giving
the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957. Now that they have been
given citizenship they show their ingratitude by voting for the opposition.
Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia , are immigrants. And, being
immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do not vote for
Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful.
Yes, voting is your right. This is your right according to the Federal Constitution
of Malaysia. Malays can vote for whomsoever they would like to vote for because
the Constitution allows them to do so. Malays, therefore, can vote for the opposition.
But, if you are non-Malay, then you must vote for Barisan Nasional because you
are an immigrant. If you vote for the opposition then you are a traitor, you are
ungrateful, and it was a great mistake giving you citizenship in 1957.
Tun Dr Mahathir's father was born in INDIA. But Tun Dr Mahathir can vote opposition.
He can even oppose Umno like he is doing so now. In fact, he can even become
the Prime Minister. He is not an ungrateful immigrant who should be sent back
to India .
Tian Chua, however, can't oppose Umno. Tian Chua, whose family settled in
Malaya long before the Portuguese came in 1511, is an immigrant. And if he
is not happy and if he opposes Umno then he should go back to China .
And Umno Johor regrets giving Tian Chua citizenship in 1957
but does not regret giving Tun Dr Mahathir citizenship.
Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is Muslim while Tian Chua is not.
But if Tian Chua circumcises and takes on the Muslim name of Musa Bin Susah and
marries a Malay woman, then he need not go back to China and Umno does not
regret giving him citizenship in 1957.
The Malays have a very warped view of justice. Malays practice two standards of
There is one standard for the Malays and another for the non-Malays.
And 90% of the tax is paid by the NON-Malays
and 10% by the Malays, says Tun Dr Mahathir.
But 10% of the scholarships must go to the
NON-Malays and 90% to the Malays.
And when they propose to change this to 40% for the
non-Malays and 60% for the Malays, the Malays raise a
hue and cry.
And they call this justice. And they say Islam is about justice.'
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Have you ever wonder, what can you do when they're holding a camera and trying to snap some photos while you're naked?
Have you ever wonder, how you're suppose to get away from getting the photos snapped?
Have you ever wonder, why am i asking this???
The simple reason is, I WAS IN THAT SITUATION!!! DAMN! Who the hell did this? It's MOTHER AND CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was bathing and from time to time, i will take my Darren Boy to play in the small pool i set up. Well, kids like to play in water and if they were to play alone, there's a chance where they might end up being dead, either from gagging cause of like...near drown, or slipperiness. Trust me, he slipped almost everytime he had a bath. It's cause he's such an active child and keep jumping here n there. Ok it's weird but that's what i do... he's just like... 3. No, again, i am not Michael Jackson. Ok enough with that useless explaination.
Anyway, the problem is, when i'm taking the bath, i forget to lock the door. My sis didnt know i was bathing and so, she pop open the door and found me bathing... with little Darren playing in the small pool. LUCKILY, there's this thing that seperates the bathing part and the urm...toilet bowl part. It's like...there's a glass wall, i don't know how to describe, that seperates the bathing area. Thank goodness, the glass is urm...what you guys call? Refracted? Something like that, so, seeing me is a blur blur.
Chris then called mother and she came in quietly and took some pictures. First using a camera phone and then, using a real Sony camera. =.=" Another lucky thing is that, i was turning my privy part towards the wall, so, my privy part was not exposed. Yes, i do know, how could i not notice what's happening. In fact, THEY TOLD ME THEY WENT IN AND OUT TWICE!!! ZOMG! I don't even notice. The reason is that, Darren's little pool is like...filling with water and the water keep like, spilling out and i am showering so, with all the noisy water dripping and splashing, i hear nothing.
Then, i was done bathing so, i decided to play with Darren for a while. I used his toy cup and splash water on him and when i turn towards the glass, there were this yellow color thingy and i was wondering, what the hell is that, my first intuition was open the glass and take a look. DAMN! I screamed when i found mother was snapping some photos. Luckily, i had Darren's toy cup and i used that to shield my privy =.=" The funny thing is, Darren actually ignored all those screams and laughs and keep playing with his water. Sigh...usless boy... =.=" Mother didnt get shocked at all and she keep snapping photos.
Of course i pulled back the glass and shelter myself from being 're-exposed'. Lolx... im totally speechless. I was so embaressed. She and Chris had a good laugh and was like, spreading the funny stuff around the house. Then, Mei Yin came and she told Mei Yin too....AND SHOW HER THE PICTURES!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!
Thank goodness, my privy is still for myself to see... XD
What did I learn from the above? Two things...
Second, REMEMBER to double check if you locked your door when you're bathing or changing cloth.
Re-tagged =.="
- What is the relationship of you with him/her?
Marcus: Fren or rather, like he said it himself, long lost 'twin' brother.
Cheng Yee: cyber fren i think....stumbled upon her accidentally or rather, she stumbled upon me accidentally.
- Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
Marcus: responsible, rabbit tooth (no offense), mirror image of me (as in personality), good guy, a person who look and strive for his goal.
Cheng Yee: no idea at all...perhaps just someone who's very active and open minded?
3. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Marcus: idea...
Cheng Yee: urm...??? she thought i am someone else???
4. The most memorable thing he/she have said to you?
Marcus: I want to be strong!!!
Cheng Yee: .....
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
Marcus: he's my 'twin' brother, how could we be lover???
Cheng Yee: i will watch lots of anime with her??? i don think that'll happen either.
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
Marcus: do nothing...just dont tok to him i think
Cheng Yee: same as marcus.
7. If he/she become your lover, she has to improve on...
Marcus: STOP ASKING IF HE'S MY LOVER!!! He's my 'twin' brother!!!
Cheng Yee: Improve on nothing....
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
Marcus: Hmm...if i am marcus, why would cronos be enemy? Hmm... backstab i think. So, that's my answer too...
Cheng Yee: she's very annoying and a freaking biatch? i don think she's one.
9. The most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
Marcus: exchange my hand with him...he like my hands, i like his hands
Cheng Yee: give her some mangas or anime...???
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
Marcus and Cheng Yee: easy to approach and friendly.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
no idea. Might be good, might be bad. Might be helpful, might be annoying.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Live a happy cheerful life...
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
The laziness inside me.
14. The most ideal person you want to be is?
My dad....not father... (i dont nid to xplain this)
15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them..
For people who care about me, thanks a lot...i know i cant live alone in this world. If the term of likes as in love kind of stuff, then for now, thanks but no thanks. Not interested for now...
Not gonna tag other peoplez...vry vry vry troublesome to play this kind of stuff over n over again...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Have You Ever Wonder...
I'm glad my hard days with mother had passed...
Monday, October 20, 2008
But it seems that it didnt turn out that way,
I am so bored till i dono wat to say,
Maybe on the bed shall i lay.
What Makes Men Cheat
48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fuck It!
What the hell is wrong with my mother! I really cannot stand her anymore. Here i was coming back from college meeting and when i came into the doorstep, mother and my sister was going to Queensbay. They knew i hate shopping yet they force me to go. Saying i stay at home all the time and playing games. What the hell! Get the fact canceled my trip to KL, i told you i am going to Edward's house and here you are telling me i am staying at home all the time.
Early in the morning, YOU YOURSELF asked me if i could just stay at home instead of going to the meeting and i told you no! And now, you're asking me to go out. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! Here you said no and there you said yes to the same thing! I AM A HUMAN AND I WAS GRANTED A BRAIN TO MAKE DECISIONS NOT TO FOLLOW ORDERS! My sister, whenever i force her to do something she dislike, she wouldnt do it too and now she's telling me to go shopping. What the fuck! I really cannot stand it anymore.... The longer i stay at my home, the more crazy i am going to be. It's like every part of my life is being controlled or something. I cannot do the stuff i want, whenever i want. When mother declared a cold war, i just kept quiet. And since you talked to me, so i talked to you. Sometimes i tried to ignore you and what you do? You can play cold war towards me but i cant do that to you is it? What kind of law is that??? I got screamed when i didnt answer you but when you didnt answer me, did i screamed at you!? DID I??? I asked you and tried to talk to you and you just ignore me. Yet, i kept quiet and thought that nothing had happened. So, you can do whatever you want while i cannot do whatever i want is it?
You thought i do not want to go out is it? I've go so many places i wanted to go but the fact that i stayed home is cause i do not want to waste money! If i'd asked some money from you, you'll start screaming your head off again. So, would i dare to ask you? Of course not... I am really fed up with you, mother. I do not know what happened to you or me... Yes, i am a lazy bum cause i do not want to get a job. So what? I am not like....asking you money all the time. Did I? If i were lazy, then think back what Chris and Cat did when they were at my age. And think back further back when i was younger and you were working that time. WHO COOKED FOR CHRIS AND CAT? WHO MAKE HOUSE CHORES WHEN YOU'RE WORKING? DID THEY DO ANY HOUSE CHORES WILLINGLY!!???? DO THEY????
Yes, it's true they didnt use much of your money but did I? Did i not spent your money wisely? Everyday before i go college, you will ask me if i needed money or not and if i have extra cash, i will say no. Why i didnt say yes? Isnt is that if i'd said yes, i would earn extra pocket money and i would've much more money compared to now? IT'S CAUSE I AM TRYING NOT TO USE YOUR MONEY! Mother, i never even have a single thought that i am unfortunate to have a mother who give me such a little money. As you know, i have friends who get money from their parents and spend like 100+ or so just in some useless stuff . Did i do that??? DID I??? There's once where you asked father to fetch me to the new cyber cafe and play a while. What did i tell you? I said no isnt it? You knew i love playing games and yet i refuse to go to cycber cafe. Why? It's for the reason that i do not think it's worth it! It's not like i needed leisure time or whatsoever. And yet, here you are, asking a bit too much out of me.

Even until now, i am helping you to do the house chores and i seldom complained. I am just saying i do not wanted to go Queensbay and here you are saying you're not going to fetch me to college when the semester reopen. Hey! It's not like i do not want to learn driving. It's not cause i am lazy. It's cause I GOT NO CAR TO DRIVE! I've always wanted to drive Chris's car and you and her said no cause it's new. So, i wanted to drive dad's car but it's hard to find a parking lot when i am coming back! And, do they have free time to guide me? NO! I do wanted to try and drive by myself but it's too dangerous because i am still very amateur and my driving skill sucks! So, if i were to obtain P license for both car and bike, that makes me not a lazy bum is it? I know my limits mother. I really cannot drive it's not like I'd never tried. You yourself do know that i had an accident the first time i ride a bike by myself. I even had an accident when i was driving using dad's car. Isnt that enough for you??? Do you know that i've got a bit of trauma after these???
I've become more aware of the danger of the streets and whenever a car or whatever vehicles near me, i feel really scared.... I did not say it out because you and the others will start saying this and that. I've tried to gather all my courage to go back to the streets and did you guy noticed? No you guys's because i do not want to tell. I am not young mother.... i am trying to be independent but with you over-caring me, my effort is like, going to waste. How am i suppose to grow with you calling me to do this and that all the time?HOW??? I am really sad ma, i never argued with you like this before and i never thought this kind of incident would've happened. I really hope this would end soon. Cat had been poking into my business since i was small and whenever i poke into her's she'll shove me off and all. How fair is that??? I've never felt so, not home before and now, i feel like im a dog living in a cage, obeying all your orders nevertheless sisters' and father's.
I really cannot take it anymore! I really wish this could end soon. I do not want to stay at home anymore! The reason i did not tell this to mother is because i knew this would trigger more arguments and i really would like to try to avoid further arguments. I would also like to tell this to someone but who were there to tell? Dad??? Is that really necessary? I do not know... That, is the sole reason why i actually posted such entry. I smile all the time doesnt mean that i am happy all the time. I smile all the time because i do not want people to start asking me what is wrong with me but, Ms. Judy do saw through that something is wrong with me and i really appreciate her effort for asking.
Yet another tag game.
- What is the relationship of you with him/her?
schoolmate and friend...
- Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
Urm...Frankly speaking, we dont talk, my impressions are kinda based from my point of view. First impression, uuuwaaa... so tall XD. Then as we talked, uuuwaaa....wat a funny guy. Third impression, friendly and well, like to kacau people from time to time. Uh...i dono d XD
3. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Never same class before and just know him for like a year or two lolx... Oh got! The most memorable thing is that, he named me m2k which stands for 'mor mor kui'
4. The most memorable thing he/she have said to you?
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
use him as punching bag when in bad mood and treat him as my slave. Wash my cloths, do my homeworks etc etc.
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
treat him like how i treat deepak singh. If he becomes overboard, i will just make him feel ashame like how i did to deepak on form 3. So damn fun...he avoided me for 1 year straight... XD
7. If he/she become your lover, she has to improve on...
sorry he's a guy and im a guy.
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
no idea...but i think it's because he backstabbed me or create stupid gossips bout me like wat deepak did.
9. The most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
no idea....
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
A GREAT FRIEND (he said that himself. I didnt modify)
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
no idea. Might be good, might be bad. Might be helpful, might be annoying.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Live a happy cheerful life...
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
The laziness inside me.
14. The most ideal person you want to be is?
My dad....not father... (i dont nid to xplain this)
15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them..
For people who care about me, thanks a lot...i know i cant live alone in this world. If the term of likes as in love kind of stuff, then for now, thanks but no thanks. Not interested for now...
10 people to tag
Eh....i dono much leh. I dono if they wanna do oso o not. Not gonna tag edward since he's tagged already. Gonna tag you back since u say ur so free.
Chia Haw
Guan Hui (doubt he'll do)
No idea anymore...
Who is number 2 having a relationship with?
His gf duh...
Is number 3 a male or a female?
male...what's with this casual question? Is this a gossip tag or wat?
If number 7 and 10 were together would it be a good thing?
No because 7 is Sebastian and 10 is empty. If they were to be together, then i would be like cursing him to be alone forever lolx....
How about number 5 and 8?
Same like the previous question. Number 8 is also empty.
What is number 1 studying about?
Law!!! She likes to eat 'law mee' and not 'lor mee'. XD
Is number 4 single?
Yep...he's single alright.
Say something about 6?
He's like my urm...semi-clone or something. We've quite a lot of same charateristics. But not all...
Mr. Empty eh? He's a blank guy who doesnt think about anything and he got no feeling. Basically, he thinks that he doesnt exist...or rather, that's what i think
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What the hell! I was just telling her i would like to go and buy the DW6 to play since it's college hols and WHAT THE HELL! She started screaming on top of her lungs and all... She say it's a waste of money and so on... Oh mother, i am not like so many other teens who go out often alright? And is that a waste of money? YOU HAD CANCELED MY TRIP TO KL WITH MY FRIENDS CAUSE OF DAD AND NOW I CANT EVEN HAVE MY OWN TIME DOING THE THINGS I LIKE!!! Please mother, i respect you the most and now it's like...i hate you! You've been miserably controlling what i've been doing despite i the age of 18! Yes, i know, i am the only son and it's important for me to be success and all...or rather, that's what you people think about what i should do.
There you people say, "Traditional Chinese people are very stupid, they planned for the marriage for their children and all". And isnt it the same with me? You planned for my future and it's're putting such a high hope on me! And i never even complained a single thing but except trying my best.
Do you know how sad i feel when you canceled my trip to KL? Yes, i do willingly agreed to cancel my trip to KL but it seems, father is more important afterall. After all those stuff he did, yet, you still decide to support him. Mother, usually i keep things in my heart and i seldom tell you people anything and everything. These new friends of mine are very important to me or rather, that's how i feel. For the fact that, they're really fun to be with and i'm really scared if i would lose that chance for not having a sweet time with them. Most of them are leaving soon and the last of the bunch to leave me will be at September 2009.
Please dont make curfew for me like im a 7 year old kid can? I have the rights to choose when to sleep and all. You never said anything about sisters. Yes, Cat knows what to do best and all but you'd never said anything when Chris were my age! If you still remember, she sleep at 5am everyday despite school days! I dont do that often... It's holiday now and can't i have my own sweet time doing my own stuff! You're forcing me to take a part time's fine....maybe i should earn my own money but then, instead of that, you're telling me "You should learn how hard it is to earn money". Oh my dear mother, if you still remember, i've worked before and i feel fine by working. Yes, i am a lazy bum sitting at the laptop since im awake till i sleep. But this is MY PASSION! COMPUTER IS MY PASSION! It's a habit of mine already and to cure it, it's like asking a drug addict to stop taking drug!
When i was in school life, you were telling me, go out with your friends more often. Don't always stay at home... Now, even when i wanted to go somewhere, you'll be screaming at the top of your lungs and all! What do you want me to do? You're the one who asked me to go out often and now you turn back on your words my asking me or rather, forcing me to stay at home! Now, i dont even dare to tell you im going to Edward's house tomorrow because i know you'll be screaming at me again. Mom, please...i am 18 and i know what to's just that i have this lazy attitude of mine and that's it!
Think about my school life and my college life. Which of me do you prefer? Someone who keep staring at the computer and play games even though it's exam period and never take make revision despite the fact that important exams is near... Or someone who knows what to do and make revision and all when exam is near? You're always telling me, do not compare with others and yet, you're comparing me with Nicholas and Guendeline! Yes, they're more intelligent and more hardworking that me and i cannot deny that. But then, what can i do? Make me change into them? And if you think so highly of them, why not let them be your son or daughter? You can compare with others but i can't. What the hell is that? I never complained anything about my life and my family. I never asked for anything expensive like Guess cloths, good stuff and so on. All i always asks for is a happy family and that's it! And now, even asking a 20 bucks is too much from you.
If im not wrong, most of the schoolmates i know is not working and what? Should i compare them? Since you compared me to Nic and Guen, why not i compare me and my friends? Some of them are a much more big spender than me and more out-going than me but did i say anything? I just kept my mouth shut. When you declared a cold war on me yesterday, did i say anything? I even tried to talk to you! You declared a cold war on me because of such a small matter, or rather, barely one minute of argument. I am really dissapointed mother...and i've given up my chance which might be the ONE AND ONLY chance to have vacation with my friends because of dad. I am really sad you know? But did i ever show that to anyone? NO! NEVER! I would never said this out if it's not that i could not contain my anger anymore. Dad's salary is like...3 - 3.5k per month and yet, he cant even support himself. We've tried to calculate what he'd spent on and there's always some extra money that could be kept in the bank but, where did that money go to?
Chris and me know where it goes to. And now, even you yourself know where it goes to and yet, you still support him... It's not wrong to support your husband but the fact that dont you think he's too over??? And the lie about lending 10k from suck it up and believe it totally. It's fake is not a stupid guy who will lend 10k up and let that idiotic bitch control him! But, me, Chris and other relatives decided to kept quiet for your sake... I could write longer if i want to but, i think i should stop here. I really sad, frustrated and dissapointed today... But who am i suppose to complain this to? I dont think i have anyone. Chris has Mei Yin while Cat has Jasmine and Tat Ko. ME? NO ONE AT ALL!!! Except to vent my frustration here to myself...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I was suppose to help mom clean the kitchen today but haha....lazy bone again. Anyway, altho im living in a house 20 floors from the ground, there are cockroaches in the kitchen. Yep...IT'S COCKROACHES!!! It's because we've a cheater as our developer who built the building with cheapskate bricks which actually floats in the water! It's just bout 3 years or so and guess what? The building is cracking... My parents do want to move or buy a new place but then, we love this house very much. The weather is always fine and never hot, serene environment and beautiful sceneries. During fireworks days like urm.... 1st of Jan and like urm...during that Bon Odori, i can actually watch the fireworks from my house! The best part is that i can see lots of stuff! For example, during rainy days, i can see lots of stuff which exites me... For example,
It's like part of it has rain and the other is like....dry part. Very interesting...
Anyway, few days ago, my mom and I thinks that we've seen UFO or some sort. It might be ridiculous but then, we saw urm...something flying in the sky back and fourth with glowing light. It's definitely not a helicopter or airplane for the fact that it's glowing in bright yellow and it's in urm...cylinder form. A helicopter or plan cannot move back and fourth in a fast speed and this thing does. It was moving within a cloud which is like...horizontally rectangular in shape. The weirdest part is that, clouds move don't they? It's been so many days already and yet, im seeing the same cloud beside Komtar from my point of view. Really weird...but then, we've decided to think of it as illusion cause there's no way we could've spotted them so easily. Anyway, the 'drama' ends with the blink and sudden dissapearence of the mysterious glowing light.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Interesting Stuff
Virtual Visit to...
For one reason, my internet fee per month is only rm40 and it's a LAN connection rather than a private connection. Why is it so? Again, it's coz my dad trust his friends and like to 'kau kwan' his friend. So, i've no choice but to suffer this slowpoke-like connection which restricts me from downloading stuff bigger than a certain number of MB. By assuming that the file for maple is 600MB, then it must be lesser than that because i cant download maple.
I've went to the Forbbiden City's site and it seems that you can download different versions of it as in according to your platform. It looked kinda nice but i wonder who will be so kind to help me download...maybe i can ask Sean-kun ^^ But kinda shy since it isnt my connection and asking a favor from someone else is rarely me... :p
In case i forgot, here's the link for the site :D
Beyond Space And Time
ZOMG! Just looked thru the requirements for installation. And here it is for Microsoft Platform. 2GB and 1GB of ram! Damn...even if i download, i doubt i can use it. Well, of course i can use it but then, =.=" im gonna be lagging and i hope it doesnt crush lolx if i use. Oooohhh....i so want to visit Forbidden City.
* Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
* CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz+ or AMD 2400xp+
* System Memory (RAM): 1GB
* Hard Disk: 2GB free space
* Network Speed: 768 Kbits/sec
* Graphics Card: 3D-capable with 128MB of VRAM
* Screen: 1280x1024, "32-bit True Color"
Other than that, the first country ever to face bankruptcy or that's what i think is open for sale or rather, bidding. Which is, none other than Iceland who owes Russia 3 or 4 billion pound i think. Forgot ady :p Anyway, lolx...they're actually selling Iceland thru eBay and sweatz...the bid start from guess what? 99 PENCE!!! As in 99 CENT! Oh what the hell! Luckily, the bidding has gone up to 10 million++ but i really pity Iceland. Hope that whoever that will be buying Iceland will buy it in a more expensive way. Perhaps 1 billion+ :P Few days or rather weeks ago, Iceland had been facing a major financial crisis and i think the government cannot stand it anymore and therefore, have to sell their country to others. Anyway, their currency actually drops drastically into half or more of the actually currency in just like one or two week! Whoa! Damn fast man...
Anyway, from the start, Iceland had been built on a shaky foundation and that's where the 4 billion pound came from. I guess this is a lesson to tell me, never start a business without any model and try not to owe people money XD Good luck, Iceland...
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - A couple in rural Cambodia has terminated their 18-year marriage with a divorce settlement that entailed sawing in two the wooden house they once shared, villagers said Friday. The husband, 42-year-old Moeun Sarim, has taken away with him all the bits and pieces of his half a house, said his 35-year-old wife, Vat Navy.
"Very strange, but this is what my husband wanted," she said by phone from a village about 62 miles east of Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh. She said they ended their marriage last month.
"He brought his relatives and used saws to cut the house in half," she said, adding that she now owns the other half that is still standing. The house is made from wood with a tile roof and propped up on wooden pillars, a typical style for a Cambodian country home.
She said her estranged husband and his relatives, after ripping apart half of the house, carried all the debris to his parents' house nearby.
She said the divorce was prompted by her husband's jealousy about her alleged relationship with a policeman in the village. She denied having an extramarital affair.
"He wanted a divorce, and I said, `Let's divorce,'" she said.
The husband could not be reached for comment.
Bou Bout, a village chief, said local officials and police were present as witnesses the day the couple split their 20-by-24 1/2 foot house into half.
"Local officials tried three times to get them to mend their differences, but the husband would not budge," Bou Bout said by phone.
I would never ever do such thing even though i divorce with my wife. To take the debris to your parent's home? Don't you think it's stupid? The house is money dude...the debris isnt. Well, maybe you can sell away or recycle the wood planks and stuff but it's just plainly...useless. What a funny husband... Hey Vat Navy, you did the right choice by divorcing your husband...
Curse You, Wretched Flu!
Siao ah! How la!!! Then...i get myself some tissue and start wiping my nose every 3 second or so and when i was half way done, i realized that it should be 3 marks for each point instead of 5 =.=" I have a bad concentration and therefore, i get distracted easily. Sigh....i hope i get at least A- for this subject though. And also for programming.... I WANT A!!!!!!!!!!! Sobz....i really like programming....very much....
Tomorrow is my last paper, which is Intro to DB. I dont really like DB cause it's sort of confusing. Not really confusing but....well, it's sort of like accounting....and i hate accounting and other arithmetic related stuff. I'm very very very bad in arithmetic....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Discovered / A Useless Son.
Oh damn! I must stop using Renzokuzen and Cronos too blog was discovered easily and damn....really, what a damn. Maybe i should change my blog's site name or whatever it is called soon. Maybe not... Although i made this blog as public, i never planned to like....reveal it to everybody and announcing to everybody " HEY! I GOT A BLOG!" cept if it's neccessary for me to tell them about my blog. Well, it's just my style.... You know bout me, then you know bout me. I wont go around and tell you who I am, what i like etc etc. Well, it's another one of my attitude like my attitude of saying 'well' again and again XD
I've just realize, Cheng Yee's blog is kinda nice to read and all. Rather than those stuff bout superstars, i gossip this star, i gossip you, you gossip me, internal wars etc etc. That's the kind of blog i like. Anyway, here's another one of the stuff from her blog.
I have always loved you. But time and time again, you tested my patience. And I had to bear with it. The times where you degrade me in front of your friends. The times when you drank my chocolate milk and ate my chocolate and denied. the time where you pushed me into the murky flood waters and made me swallow a dead cockroach. I hate your lame excuses. You seem to enjoy the double standard you play on me. While I cannot leave my pimple marks on the mirror, you can happily plash the toilet wet like nobody's business.
You and your sick girlfriend. I despise that Mother of all Abominations. The many nights where I had to endure the telephone ringing in my ear especially when I was frantically revising. How she actually caused you to bleed from the torn scalp which required a sanitary pad to be placed on your head. How she became the reason you cried and shouted in your locked room like some lunatic high on spinach. Pity me. I thought you were in pain. I came to your aid only to find out that I was a busybody. Its always that way, huh?
To his mom:
And therefore, I provoked you to participate in my cold war. father has made me believe that I am a useless son. I want you to act the same as well. When you treat me like some trash, there I find comfort. I am sorry I have to resort to such painful measures.
And to his dad:
You never said how much you love me. Your reason was because you provided for the family and that was your love. You !@##%&^&( !!!I don't want those rubbish if you can only hold my hands, look me in the eye and tell me how precious I am to you. You know why? I feel like I am an illegitimate child. A child out of wedlock.
Not only that. He had names for other people too, such as whoremaster and lesbian aunt. He even mocks the church worker and the college librarian. Good God.
Just realize what a bad English i wrote...lazy wanna modify tho...that's the consequences of writing when feeling drowsy :P
I do not have much time to say what i want to say. So, well, the only thing i would like to say is, to have a son like this, i'd rather have a pet dog. They're much more loyal, obedient and so on. This is just from his point of view but then, no matter what you parents did, you never condemn your parents till like they're from hell or a devil or something. He is a real useless son to say his own father like that. I do says mine too but at least i keep it to a limit and I made the respects that i do not go overboard on my words...cept toward people real closed to me where i will blab out everything. Sigh...i would like to have lots of kids but this is another reason why i've to think clearly of having kids. Because if they'd turn out bad, they might abandon you when you're old and too hard to be taken care of. Or, they might do bad stuff to me, i've seen such things with my own's just that i do not have the heart to say such a thing. It's just toooooooo....bad... Especially when you've your son as rapist, whoa! That's the worse kind...even worse that murderers and robber....
Lastly, from what i've heard or rather, seen, Cheng Yee said that was written by a urm...a better word would be queer i guess. So, it's not a wonder with all those "beautiful" language he said or rather, written. Sanitary pets, mother of all what? abomination or something and callling himself a child out of wedlock....sigh...what is going on with this world??? I'm really wondering, when will be able to have eternal peace and away from all these sorts of insanity. My inner heart tells me one word... NEVER!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
GAME HACKING! (hope i didnt get caught)
Here's the first type of hacking i've done on Grand Chase Sea... 1 Hit Ko on mobs (slang for monsters). I've invited little Jason to join me on my trip... :D These dungeons are well, 3 stars dungeon, which is, the highest level of a dungeon...well, not exactly, there are champion mode but tickets are required in order to play in the dungeon. Anyway, well, here's how fast i can do with "1 hit ko mode" :D Maybe i will post on how to hack if im in a good mood tomorrow/later on. Well, if someone were to buy me @cash, then I surely will teach them how to hack in Grand Chase... MWAHAHAHA! *desperate mode...need to get Sentinel ASAP*
Main credits goes to Yondaime for the UCE ^.^
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Funny Tag Game
Leeched it from Cheng Yee's blog... :P
Put your music player on shuffle.
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question press the ‘next’ button to get your answer.
3. You must write the name of the song down no matter what!!!
4. After you’ve answered all the questions tag 5 other people and let them they’ve been tagged and to do the meme themselves:
If someone says ‘is this okay?’ You say:
No Air -Jordin Spark
Lol...isnt it like...rude???
What would best describe your personality?
Thanks For Nothing - Mariah Carey
Hey I like who i am
What do you like in a guy/girl?
What I've Done - Linkin Park
Not true at all =.="
How do you feel today?
Simple And Clean - Utada Hikaru
What is your life’s purpose?
How Do I Live - Leann Rimes
Kinda True...
What do your friends think of you?
White and Nerdy - Weird Al Yankovic white and im nerdy...
What do you think of your parents?
Bye Bye- Mariah Carey
What a bad son i am... =.="
What do you think about very often?
Take It Easy -Home Made Kazoku
What is 2+2?
Never Let You Go -Janice Vidal
What do you think of the person you like?
Because You live - Jessy McCartney
So damn true...
What is your life story?
Nagareboshi(Shooting Star) - Home Made Kazoku
What do you think when you see the person you like?
Prisoner of Love -Utada Hikaru
Another true one...
What do your parents think of you?
Where'd You Go -Fort Minor
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
Why everyhing bout love related so dull??? =.="
What will they play at your funeral?
You're The Voice -David Archuleta the voice...
What is your hobby/interest?
4 Minutes - Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake
What is your biggest secret?
Crush - David Archuleta
Wow...a real coincidence...
What do you think of your closest friends?
Lovin Life - Funky Monkey Babys
What should you post this as?
Think of Me - David Archuleta
But I prefer
Sarubia no Tsubomi - Home Made Kazoku
Both are fine...Both are love for someone another one for family or rather, parents...
Jean Template for Sebastian
Download it, then upload it into your layout's HTML coding part and viola! Brand new Jean template!
Should ask youjean to download instead of you lol!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I'll ask him the first moment i found him.... Grab and interrogate method :P

Monday, October 06, 2008
It has a very high acceleration speed. I have a Mercedes too but well, it broke somehow cause of my itchy hand when i was small.
I keep pulling out the urm what they call? Retractable roof???
The following is an entry by Profire. Well, he seems to have the same idea as i am... Why does people like to compare men and women? I think we're basically the same mentally. The only difference is well, physical differences. Vagina and penis, man boobs and women boobs, etc etc.
Few days ago, I was having a conversation with my lady friend. We talked about various topics and was having fun with her. But there was this one part that made me ponder a lot when I went back home.
I was talking about my past relationships with my girlfriends. About how I treated them well and maybe badly as well. Then she said that I might not have been understanding enough. That I need to be more caring and loving.
I got a little agitated and felt like telling her back. But I didn't anyway. She is my friend after all and she meant no harm. But what I don't understand is, why must it be the men's fault if the relationship fails? Why isn't it due to her disrespect towards the men?
Women want to be loved. Men want to be respected. Isn't it fair that we men ask to be respected as much as a women ask to be loved? This isn't a one way relationship, whereby the men keep giving and she only keep receiving.
We can express our love towards our girlfriends. But if that expression is not reciprocated, we simply just stop. We energy to keep going is to know that you have been loved. We want to know that we mean something to you, not an ATM machine. We don't exist for your pleasure.
You ladies are looking for the right one. Have you ever thought of being the right one? Are you so caught up in your career that you have lost your role as a mother and a wife?
To the disgusted men, are you so caught up with self-pleasure that you have lost your role as a father and husband? That you would want your wife to work so that you can live a better life? Wouldn't you encourage her to have a wonderful motherhood, even if it means far lesser for yourself? It is more meaningful and more lasting than a fleeting job. Sure, a part-time job is great, as long as she is still able to fulfil her role and function!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
KOEI to introduce its Tactical Action mega-hit to more platforms along with never-before-seen content exclusive to the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system
Burlingame, CA – August 15, 2008 -- KOEI, recognized worldwide as the premier brand of strategy and action games, today announced that the company is bringing its mega-hit Tactical Action game, DYNASTY WARRIORS®6 to PlayStation 2 and to Windows-based PC.
DYNASTY WARRIORS 6 will debut on PlayStation 2 as a massive two-disc collection action-packed with the full cast of playable characters and pulse-pounding scenarios of the original release, plus platform-exclusive content including never-before-seen “Musou” mode stories, incredible new weapons, five additional stages and 10 new scenarios.
DYNASTY WARRIORS 6 for PlayStation 2 will ship to retailers starting November 18, 2008, while the version for Windows-based PC will be available simultaneously and exclusively through digital download. The game is already in stores for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
It's already available in xBox 360 since Febuary but well, they gonna release the game on 18th of November for both PC and PS2... YES IT'S PS2 NOT PS3!!! I think it's cause there's all those console problems with PS3 and so on...that's why it's released on PS2 :D



Hm...not really...he still has his usual chef-like hat/helmet.
Hey! He has claws!!! Like Fuuma Kotaro from Samurai Warriors!

Takeshi Kanashiro or whatever his name is,
who acts as Zhuge Liang in Red Cliff does looks like this Zhuge Liang huh...
ALL HAIL ZHUGE LIANG!!!! *kowtow 3 times*

Damn...another pretty character... Why all guys so ugly???

Hhmm... Who, i wonder...
It's purple and he has flower on his arms. Which previous character has those!?
ZOMG! I just remembered! It's Zhang He!!! So brand new of him...
I hope he still makes me laugh at his sissy attitude when I watches his story.
If im not mistaken, none of them are gonna use those new weapons like what Sima Yi, Yue Ying and Zhang He holding. They're still gonna use their old weapon but instead of 4 types, there're 5 types or rather, level of their weapons.
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