Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I got backfired!

Hmm...here's how it goes in the playpark forum...

by FrostDestiny:

Is this topic even suppose to be related in GrandChase...?

Go to backyard people.. (Or whatever it called) >.>

by me:

Do i need to break the words down to you? Maybe you're unable to read or understand what it means. Or maybe ur blind enuf not to see it.

It's written "Discuss about everything in GrandChaseSEA!"

It means, you can talk about ANYTHING in this section with the bond of rules made by playpark mods/owner or whoever that has the power to do so.

Forum Rules

So, had we broken any of those rules???

I hate people like you with smart alec attitudes. Please read carefully and reread what you written before posting...go back to kindergarten dude...you should go there instead of us.

And btw,

by FrostDestiny:

Er... Lol... WOW... I came get back and get flamed >.>

Erm.. It means discuss everything relating to GrandChaseSEA

Anw.. Don't Claim that you owned someone before the flame haven't even end yet xD

Hehe u ssed it for me.. xD.. Thanks..

I don't see any much relation to GrandChaseSEA.... Seriously... Can't you just post it in the backyard.. Seriously, is meant to be over there.. >.>

P.S: Honestly.. I've been looking for threads i can Flame people with xD

then please flame somewhere else that i dont go to....cause you'll be flamed with me around...and please i dont even know anyone in the backyard and fyi, assume that iamnubie started the thread in backyard, do you think i will actually visit it???

Last but not least, define: about. is 'about' means 'related'? And what does 'about everything' means to u? Does it mean 'related to gc'? Please...dont ask these kind of stuff...you're just making me angrier...

in case you dont know. The only place i visit in playpark forum is GC and this thread refers to me...so, seriously, cant you rethink what you said with the big brain you have there before you start replying? Appreciate the logic ability that you/we possessed...you're a human and not an animal or whatsoever. They has the brain and they do think but they doesnt have conscience or even logic.

by Striker:

"Everything in GrandchaseSEA". Not "Everything" in GrandchaseSEA.

I would suggest you think twice before flaming others with the incorrect definition, for the rebound will be twice as much.

For me, I don't see how Singapore Ghost Stories have any linkage with GrandchaseSEA.

Frost got owned?

I think it's the opposite.

by FrostDestiny:

Heheh... LOL... Well that pretty much sum up everything xD..

bla bla bla...it goes on and i end the arguement with me apologizing...cause well, it's my mistake.

well, looked thru the entire forum of playpark and yep...i guess im wrong...and i apologize for that. I guess gcforum confused be cause the 'general disccussion' on other sections does states something like 'about cabal', 'about auditionsea' instead of 'about everything in grandchasesea'.

Hm...all these while i actually got the wrong idea...now i see...well, it's good to learn from mistakes rather than being a clever perfect guy cause you aint gonna learn bout anything else therefore, no improvement.

if so, why not report the thread to mods? It's a far better way than telling us here isnt it?

I dont really like apologizing but ah...what the hell...they're not close to me or even like i wana be their true friends...so who cares? I dont even bother if i apologize and i did the same thing tomorrow...well, that's the risk of apologizing and that is why i dislike apologizing...

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