Saturday, August 09, 2008


Wow, Beijing Olympic XXIX is a real success! Well, i wont really jump to conclusion yet since it's just the beginning but that's the overall assumption. China's Olympic Opening is really really really different than other Olympic's Opening. One of the reason is that they uses MANPOWER/ HUMAN rather than relying on technologies to do stuff. Most of their performances are human-based and not technology based! Their opening were 2008 performers drumming something that well, looks like a drum lol! I do not know what's that but whenever they strike the drum, there'll be some lightning (as in not thunder) from the drum. Therefore, a real human-number Olympic countdown were made in such a precision that will make shame to the inventor of clock lol! Just kidding... Anyway, of course there's some mistakes within them but it's very miniscule and each and every single mistakes were covered quickly.

Pictures are more than words and in the same time, i've got to go lol! Well, here's some of them....
How Bird Nest looks like without lightnings.

During the fireworks.

Countdown drummers.

There's a total of 2008 drummers.

A caligraphy painting that was drawn on the spots.
The yellow and green color ones are HUMANS!
Look how miniscule they are.

Students of Confucian. There are 3000 of them.

See how precise they are....there's no such thing as " not in the straight line."

What are these? Flower beds? WRONG! IT'S HUMAN! Those little boxes are humans!
They actually made a picture of Great Wall out of them!
Sadly, I cant find any pictures about it yet.

In the respect of Fleet Admiral, The Great Zheng He.
If im not mistaken, those poles
are actually heavy stuff.

Torch carried by Gymnast Li something...He's actually fly-running above the bird nest!
The background of it is the sroll which opens the patch for him.
This is where they've a mistake.
At the beginning, he ran too fast where he actually run over the scroll, then they slowed him down and =.="
The scroll 'run over' him lol! I guess not enough training cause well, if it's me, i do not want to train for 10 months running like dont know how many feets above the ground lol!

This is the amazing part.
If i am not mistaken, there's no torch at the beginning and when the torch relay starts, this ginormous torch came in.
And no, Gynast Li doesnt run to the top and torch it.
He lighted the torch from urm...a line of gunpowder or something...and in just some split seconds, the whole thing lighted up.
Virtually, lightning half the part of the stadium.

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