Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bad Day.

Friday was a bad day. Went to school, sick and not happy at all. Although chatting with Kel and stupid Dan is kinda nice. Dan got scolded by me cause he poured water on me while im resting/sleeping. Went home, eat and bath then on to the computer table. To play game? finish up my job. 'Photoshopping' for Mei Yin's friend for a total of 5 bucks. Well, kinda easy to earn that RM 5 since all i need to do is make a design for her friend's 'folio'. Here's the stupid design.

It is suppose to be nicer and better but then, my bad, the name of the company Stella was accidentally changed to Stecca due to that person's bad handwriting. And the worst of all, i saved it in JPEG format instead of PSD, which i need to redo the whole thing again. Actually all i need to do is patch the name Stecca and replace it with Stella but then, she wants a background copy of it PLUS the words PLUS another one with only her name on it. As a result, i have to redo using this maniac keyboard which shut the computer down by itself due to haywire inside the keyboard. RM5 seems to be not enough for all that hard work so, i decided to ask for another RM5. Why? Because it's custom made!!! You cant/wont find any of it in any shop. The one that's available in shops also cost RM1 discluding the words. So, custom made + fussy requests + energy (me and electricity) suppose to be more than RM 5 lol...but since she's my first customer, maybe i will leave it be. Furthermore, i give my design only 5 out of 10 because i found frauds in my own work. Which, i'm too lazy to 'fix'.

I took my nap only at 1630++ which i supposed to be snoozing in my bed 1 hour before. Woke up at 1830++ with stupid Cat booming the music from her room with the stupid Hi-Fi Chris bought. Receive a call from Chris indicating that she will be back home at about 0200 from KL and i have to be the one to wake up and wait for her. I'm suppose to wait and call my mom to fetch her from the bus station but then Cat is out with Jasmine to watch Surf Up and by the time they are done, it will be like 0100++ so, they offered to fetch Chris. It ended up with a call from me to Chris indicating that there's a bus delay and they will be home only at about 0400 or so. So, again i have to be a stupid boy to wait for her till 0400. Im drowsy enough to notice the whole trip accompany mom to fetch Chris. It seems to be a quick drive to me. I dropped my whole body at the sofa once i arrive home. But then, i ended up sleeping at 0500++ due to some disturbance from mom, Chris and Mei Yin(she's not a family member. Just a friend who sleepover during weekends for fun).

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