Monday, October 29, 2007

Have You Ever Asked Yourself?

WARNING, the following post contains sensitive issue in certain countries and by reading the following post, YOU hereby agree on my term.

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Have you ever asked yourself why you believe in God? Have you ever asked yourself why you chose this religion? Have you ever asked yourself why you believe in Angels and Demons, God And Devil? Have you ever asked yourself does spiritual realm exist? Have you ever asked yourself do people really get possessed by those ghost/spirits/devil/demon? Have you ever asked yourself if Virgin Mary really a virgin? Have you ever asked yourself how they know Jesus is really the son of God? Have you ever asked yourself who is God? Have you ever asked yourself if what Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. said is true? Have you ever asked yourself how'd they know what the Jesus, Nabi, whatever Tao and Buddhist gods said? Have you ever asked yourself who wrote the Holy Bible, Al-Quran, Vedas, Sutras etc? Have you???

These are those few questions i kept asking myself. I tried to ask others too but i failed to get the answer. And one thing, i will never get an answer from my family. Why? I am a Chinese and i will be scolded if i ever question Gods. Who are these deities? Are they just a spirit or god? Is there the existence of Celestial Realm and Nether Realm? I am confuse. I dont even know if i believe in God. I just dont know. From time to time, i will pray to those Tao gods. But i do have some faith in Lady Guan Yin. I do not know why but i just do. Sometimes, i silently challenged God if they exist. Frankly speaking, in the same time, i do feel scared if i actually offended them. Do you believe in the story of Adam and Eve just like that? What can you explain where the scientists actually created unicellular microorganism if i am not mistaken it's paramecium sp. out of chemicals? Are we created by chemicals too?

Who are Zeus, Poseidon and Hades? Who are the minor gods, Athena, Prometheus, Artemis, Ares, Hera, Eros, etc? Do they really exist? Why are these such stories like Heracles and Odysseus? What about the Hindu? It is believed to be one of the oldest religion? Where did that came from? I am kind of desperate in knowing answers to these questions. I always keep these to myself fearing that i will be criticized or being treated as an outcast. The reason i voice out here and right now is because i am on the net and i do not think that my friends will be reading any of my blog since i kept it as a secret from them.

How can i get these answer. Sometimes, i cant find ways to express myself. I feel like being played. Stuck between these two realms of good and evil which i do not even know if it even exist. I used to have faith in gods but as time goes does the faith. My experience encountering these spirits/ghosts makes me rethink again. And the more i think, the worst i feel. I really do not know if we human should just believe in god just like that. And if so, why are there so many religion? We are human right? We are homo sapien and we are one and only one. But why do we have so many different kinds of gods and believes? Why do the so merciful and lovable god separate us? I know my post are filled with unanswered questions and in the same time there too may be some confusion within my words but well, i just hope that someday, someone will enlighten me with the truth and only truth.


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