Monday, March 12, 2007

Big Fight.

Well, yesterday, i had a big argument with my dad and today too. Yesteday everything start out fine. I refuse to go to Queensbay and Gurney with my sis and a bunch of friends cause i got an interesting story book to read which is Charmed : The Warren Witches which Cat bought. It's more comfty at home. Then, mom said she's going to fetch Darren home and persuaded me to follow. I refuse in the beginning but then, i thought it's not that bad to go to my grandma house isnt it? So, i decided to follow. In the car, my mom was discussing with me bout what am i going to eat and i told her i just wanna order take away and go to grandma house and eat. This super clever, 'never' wrong dad refuse to park by the roadside for me to buy some food and i told him on the spot that i wont be going out with him to have dinner.

Then, he drop us at my gramps house and go buy something. I insisted that we should have stopped at the Hockien Mee stall on the way to my gramps and buy but sigh, he refuses so, what to do. Then, as predicted, he drove back to gramps house and ask mom to call me go with him. I refuses to do so and we had a small quarrel then and i said that i told him that i wanna buy and eat at gramps and all this things. As he insisted that i follow him, i just walk away and back to my gramps house. Well, my uncles and aunties including my mom was persuading me to go with him and if not he will scold, bla bla bla...then i sit in the car. Then he started a sensitive topic and i just get sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot that i fought back what he said. Like usual, he say, where can you find such a good dad in the world that will buy food for his children. BLUEK!!! Stupid quote. My uncles does that duh...stupid human say stupid thing. Then we quarrel until the wantan mee stall and he still scold me despite other people is around.

I decided not to tolerate anymore and i do not want to keep his petty dignity for his sake. I just scream back and him and well, i forgot this part. I just know that im super angry. The wantan mee stall is just around my gramps house so i take my food and walk back to my gramps house. I was totally fired up and i guess i cant control my temper and just released my tantrum on anyone i talked to. This is what me and Cat similar about. We seldom get angry and i mean reeeeeeeeeeaaaaly angry and when we does, no one can stop us. Well, not no one. Just that for a small moment. Then today, he talked to me but i refused to talk to him at all. I was drinking some water through filtered pipe without using a cup or whatever. Then, he said it's kinda hard for me to drink that way and offered me a container with water he just put in.

I just ignore him and walk away into the living room. Then moments later, he cant stand it and come and scold me. I fought back again and he eventually got so hyped up and kicked me. What kind of father is that??? Then again he started to tell me, in this world, you cant find a dad that is so friendly and can play and joke with his childrens. Oh my god, he cant stop admiring himself. Angkat bakul. Well, i dare to say that my mom is the greatest and bestest(i know this word does not exist) mom in th whole universe but if you ask me bout my dad. Tch...NEVER!!! Then he tell me, dont ever ask him to help me if i ever got into trouble and beg for anything else. I was thinking, all this while, mom is the one who spoon fed me/us and you just work and use the money for house, electric and water bill. Others like phone bill is for your own duh. Mom is the one that gives me money to school and give us money to spend. You just use the money on those bills and astro. For heaven sake, my dad's salary is around 3k++ and he doesnt need to pay for his car. My sister does that but where is his money?

My house bill thingie is around RM900 while astro, electric and water bill added up is around RM 300 only duh. Where is all his money? Gambling. He gamble on stupid football and on the lottery. And he say he's a good father? Tch... i dont really wanna talk much bout it anymore cause if i wanna talk bout it, i can write a whole loooong essay bout this him. My relatives and my family always tell me, "He's your father William". Well, what the heck? I dont give a damn. I dont really practice/study those Taoism/Buddhism a lot. As long as i have my faith in Gods it's fine with me. Well, you may found this shocking but i started to have faith in Gods but of course with doubts. I wanna go sleep d. So, tataz...

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