Friday, March 23, 2007

Anatawa yoiotoko katsu kawaii.

A few days ago there was a BIG group of students and teachers from Thailand to our school for a whatever camp they call that as. All i know is 49 students (girls and boys) and about 10 teachers or so. We were asked if we want to adopt/welcome those Siamese to our house for something like home stay. Some of us (students) volunteered and Matt was one of them. Cut the story short, today is the day they are going back or rather to somewhere else, KL, Genting and Malacca. My school had a great performance today at the hall but not so great with those Malays doing don't know what kind of rubbish with a group of them sitting at the floor with crossed legs and shaking their body from left to right and vice versa and waving their hands with sorts of patterns.And the worst of all, there's a guy singing shouting like whatever kind of thing in the Islam language. Sigh...what a voice pollution not to mention, a disgrace to the school. It's really awesome but i only got to see the last part of it cause we, unrelated students were not allowed to be in/near the hall where the occasion was being held. But eventually me and Edward sneaked in :D hahaz...and we are just in time for my school band performance and which is the glory and the pride of Penang Free School. Like i said before, i love my school but not all the peoples there.

Anyway, the performance was totally AWESOME and the crowd cheered and claped as loud as the thunder could do. But, there are some stupid people who's jealous of the conductor of our band, Xiang Wen. And sigh...he's the conductor for our school's sucking choir, Reuben. He's actually a nice guy but i just dont like him talk bout the school band like that. He was telling others how stupid Xiang Wen waved with no style and wave like and idiot or so but he's the one who's doing it actually. Matt said that when he conduct for the choir before me and Edward came in, he did not stand properly with one leg bend to one side and the stupid arse on the other side. Compare to Xiang Wen, he's the one who's worse. Anyway, after our band performance which is also the ending, i'm sad to say that the Siamese is leaving and sob T_T cause ______ is leaving too T_T. But i got a source said that ______ will come back but i wonder if it's really true. I mean that if what ______ said is true. Anyway, wish all the best and good luck to those nice and friendly Thais. :D Anyway, Mr.Khor said that he will be giving us (Matt, Edward and me) a cd for the
entire urm??? what do you call this? A performance/show or ??? Well i dont know. And i hope that i can post up those proud performance of PFS band ASAP :D And also a chance to glimpse on ______ on the CD if ______ do perform lol.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I'm dying

What is this? Well, this is my dream avatar on an online game i play. Gaiaonline. It's a very fun game but well, if you do not know how to play, you will definitely got bored. Anyway, i do not have much time to post cause well, i slept through the whole afternoon and i havent finished my loooong essay yet. For now, it's 6 pages long but i wonder how long will it be lol. I wonder even if Pn.Saadiah want to mark it. Anyway, i've modified from my previous post's story and here's the new the way, my mom said i'm crazy for doing this looong essay.


Perjuangan Seorang Mama.

Sebaiknya fajar, Umiko pun bersiap sedia untuk pergi ke pasar. Pada zaman kezaliman Sengoku ini, bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang membanggakan untuk seseorang perempuan keluar diri sendiri supaya tidak ditangkap oleh pihak kerajaan bak kata pepatah sediakan payung sebelum hujan.Selepas membeli bahan-bahan dan makanan yang dikehendaki, Umiko pun pulang ke rumahnya.

‘Miyu, mama dah balik,’ kata Umiko dengan nada yang separuh jerit sambil menutup pintu.

‘Mama, tadi dik jatuh ni. Sakit..,’ sebak Miyu dengan suara yang bermanja-manja.

‘Mari mama sapukan ubat. Mama juga telah belikan Miyu gula-gula,’ ucap Umiko dengan nada yang perlahan sambil membawa Miyu berjalan ke biliknya untuk mendapatkan peti ubat. ‘Gula-gula ini untuk Miyu.’

‘Wah! Gula-gula! Terima kasih mama,’ jerit Miyu sambil senyum kepada mamanya dan ikut mamanya ke dalam bilik.

Selain Miyu, Puan Umiko juga mempunyai dua lagi orang anak. Nama Umiko sebenarnya ialah Matsu Utada. Dia telah dikahwinkan kepada suaminya, Irino Jiyu pada umur 14. Ini merupakan tradisi keluarganya supaya anak perempuan dikahwinkan pada umur yang untuk menghindari mereka daripada dipaksa dijual ke ‘okiya’ iaitu rumah ‘geisha’. ‘Geisha’ merupakan penghibur untuk golongan atasan ataupun yang kaya pada zaman dahulu lagi. Pada zaman Sengoku, banyak anak perempuan telah
dipaksa oleh kerajaan yang zalim untuk menjadi ‘geisha’. Utada menukarkan namanya ke Umiko adalah supaya dia tidak dikesan dan ditangkap untuk dijadikan sebagai ‘geisha’. Tambahan pula, rupa Utada yang sangat cantik sesuai untuk menjadi seorang ‘geisha’. Muka wajahnya yang sangat muda dengan hidung yang tinggi, mulutnya kecil dan selalu senyum dan matanya yang membingungkan sangat menarik hati para lelaki. Tambahan pula warna kulitnya yang putih bagaikan salji dan halus bagaikan belakang bayi ini lagi menarik hati para lelaki. Walaupun begitu, terdapat juga ramai perempuan yang iri hati terhadapnya. Mereka selalu memberikan khabar angin yang tidak benar kepada orang ramai tetapi kerana Umiko terkenal dengan sikapnya yang sabar dan mesra dan mengutamakan keluarga dan suaminya, khabar angin sebegitu tidak dipedulikan. ‘Lelaki inginkannya dan perempuan iri hati akannya’. Itulah yang dikatakan oleh orang ramai terhadap Puan Umiko, keramat hidup.

‘Nah. Tak sakit lagikan? Hari ini Miyu nak makan apa?’ tanya Umiko.

‘Hm... ah…saya tau! Dik nak makan ramen bersama dengan tekkadon, tendon dan yakitori!!! Kalau mama tak kisah, dik nak sup tonjiru juga ya,’ balas Miyu.

‘Wah! Miyu ini besar makan ya. Nanti perut sakit baru tahu,’ nasihat Umiko.

‘Tak apa mama. Mama bukan masak hanya untuk dik saja kan? Lagi ada papa, abang dan kakak kan? Masakan mama sedap-sedap belaka. Banyak-banyak mama masak, banyak-banyak dik makan.’

‘Aduh… anak mama ni! Pandai cakap pula. Baiklah, Miyu bermain sendiri ya. Sekarang mama pergi masak untuk Miyu,’ ucap Umiko sambil berjalan keluar dari biliknya ke dapur.

‘Ya mama! Cepat ya. Dik lapar ni,’ manja Miyu.

‘Baiklah, baiklah. Miyu makan biskut dulu boleh tak?’ tanya Umiko.

‘Baaaiik,’ jawab Miyu dengan panjang.

Selepas makan biskut, Miyu pun masuk ke bilik mamanya dan membuka peti mainannya. Mamanya telah membuatkan Miyu banyak anak patung yang dibuat daripada kain-kain buruk, manik dan butang sebagai hisan. Walaupun begitu, anak patung itu tidaklah kelihatan buruk dan hasil perbuatan mamanya sangat halus dan berjenis-jenis. Terdapat juga baju-baju untuk salinan anak-anak patung itu. Miyu bermain dengan gembira sekali.

Irino Miyu merupakan anak bongsu Umiko yang berumur lima tahun. Walaupun hanya berumur lima tahun, dia sangat cerdik dan pandai bertutur dan bertatatertib. Semua abang dan kakaknya juga begitu. Ini mungkin adalah kerana Umiko yang pandai mengajar anaknya. Mata Miyu yang besar itu menyebabkannya kelihatan lagi manja tambahan pula pipinya yang comel dan berwarna jambu merah itu menyebabkan orang ramai yang ingin mencubit pipinya. Mulutnya mirip dengan mulut ibunya yang kecil itu. Pernah sekali Jiyu memberitahu isterinya bertapa pandai dan celik anak bongsunya itu.

Semasa Miyu bermain dengan anak patungnya, dia suka meyamar dirinya sebagai mamanya, Umiko sementara anak-anak patung itu menjadi anak-anak Umiko pula. Mamanya selalu tersenyum-senyum melihat tingkah-laku anak bongsunya yang comel itu. Hari ini sepertilah hari-hari yang lain di mana Miyu akan menyamar sebagai mamanya.

‘Hari ini mama masak sedap-sedap untuk Miyu ya,’ kata Miyu yang menyamar sebagai Umiko sambil mengoyang-goyangkan anak patung di tangan kirinya itu.

‘Mama nanti masak tak sedap dik tak gembira. Nanti mama pula perlu datang bermanja-manja dengan dik untuk…apa? Um... ah! Supaya dik makan makanan mama ini,’ jawab Miyu kepada dirinya sendiri sambil mengoyang-goyangkan anak patung di tangan kanannya itu.

‘Ya, ya. Semua dengan cakap Miyu baik tak? Kalau tidak…’

‘Miyu! Mama dah siap masak. Mari makan,’ jerit Umiko secara tiba-tiba dari dapur.

‘Baik! Mama tunggu dik kemaskan anak-anak patung ini ya,’ balas Miyu sambil mengemaskan anak-anak patungnya dengan cepat.

Selepas mengemas, Miyu pun terus ke ruang tamu di mana mereka makan. Rumah mereka tidaklah besar. Rumah mereka adalah warisan daripada bapa Jiyu, Irino Gendo. Rumah mereka hanyalah satu tingkat dengan tiga bilik, satu ruang dapur dengan dua bilik air.

‘Wah…masakan mama sedap nampaknya! Tapi tak tau macam mana rasanya pula,’ ejek Miyu.

‘Hai…hai…bila anak mama ini pandai ejek mama pula? Anak mama ini mula jahat. Nanti mama tak mahu sayang Miyu dah,’ kata Umiko bergurau.

‘Woo…jangan mama. Miyu kecil saja mama. Tak ada tempat nak pergi nanti hantu-hantu datang cari Miyu mama,’ jawab Miyu dengan nada yang sedih sambil bergurau.

‘Miyu makan dulu. Jangan cakap dah. Papa dan abang nak pulang dah. Nanti mereka makan semua Miyu tak dapat makan,’ beritahu Umiko.

Miyu hanya senyum sahaja dan terus makan bersama mamanya. Tidak lama kemudian, papa dan abang-abangnya pulang.

‘Umiko, Miyu papa dan abang dah balik!’ kata Irino Jiyu.

Umiko dan Miyu segera bangun dan menyambut suami dan papanya.

‘Okaerinasai Jiyu,’ ucap Umiko dengan nada yang mesra.

‘Papa!’ ucap Miyu pada masa yang sama.

‘Wahai Umiko, Miyu,’ senyum Jiyu sambil memeluk Umiko dan Miyu.

‘Tadaima!’ ucap Irino Shaoran dan Irino Kuro sambil masuk ke dalam rumah mereka.

‘Okaerinasai Shaoran, Kuro,’ ucap Umiko.

‘Hmm…bau apa ni? Sedap nampaknya,’ tanya Jiyu sambil berjalan masuk ke ruang tamu. ‘Oh! Rupanya masakan isteriku ni yang sedap. Eh, ada yakitori lagi ada tendon dan tekkadon! Semuanya masakan kegemaran Miyu. Mesti Miyu ini yang minta betul tak?’

‘Wah! Papa pandai papa. Mama tanya dik nak makan apa lepas tu dik beritahu mama,’ jawab Miyu.

Umiko dan mereka sekeluarga terketawa. Tetapi mereka tidak tahu bahawa ini mungkin kali terakhir mereka akan makan masakan mama mereka. Malah mungkin terakhir mereka akan berjumpa dengan mama mereka. Mereka tidak tahu bahawa mama mereka bakal dipisahkan akibat daripada kekejaman raja pada zaman itu, Oda Nobunaga.

‘Mari, saya agak kita semua pun dah lapar kan? Mari isteri dan anak-anak kesayanganku,’ ajak Jiyu kepada keluarganya untuk makan.

Irino Jiyu bekerja sebagai seorang petani di sawah tinggalan mediang bapanya. Setiap hari, dia bersama dengan anak sulungnya, Kuro menanam padi dari sebelum fajar hinggalah ke tengah hari. Disebabkan pada masa dahulu, Gendo berkhidmat untuk suku Hosokawa di bawah pemerintahan Hosokawa Sumitomo sebagai ‘shogun’ iaitu seorang general. Dengan itu, dia diberikan harta yang banyak untuk penggunaannya selepas dia bersara. Dengan menggunakan harta yang diberikan oleh suku Hosokawa ini, dia teleh mendirikan rumah tangganya dan membeli sebidang tanah yang besar untuk warisnya, Irino Jiyu. Jiyu mempunyai badan fizikal yang tegap tetapi mempunyai beberapa parut akibat daripada beberapa kemalangan di sawahnya itu. Wajah mukanya segak dengan ciri-ciri seseorang shogun. Terdapat satu parut yang besar dari telinga kirinya hingga ke tepi mulutnya.

Kuro dan Shaoran pula adalah anak kembar dan ciri-ciri fizikal mereka sangat mirip dengan ayah mereka tetapi fikiran mereka berdua seperti bumi dengan langit. Kini mereka berumur 17 tahun tetapi Kuro buta huruf manakala adiknya, Shaoran pandai belajar. Shaoran berpendapat bahawa ilmu adalah penting nescaya ilmu pelita hidup manakala abangnya berpendapat bahawa pada zaman yang melarat ini, lebih baiklah jika kita bekerja kerana ilmu itu tidak ada gunanya bagai pohon kayu tiada berbuah. Walaupun sebegitu, mereka berdua tidak pernah bergaduh dan hubungan mereka sangat rapat.

Tiba-tiba ketenteraman mereka diganggu. Seseorang teleh mengetuk pintu mereka dengan kuat. Seluruh keluarga terkaku dan tidak lagi terdengar lagi suara gurauan dari sesiapapun. Tidak lama kemudian, akal Umiko kembali dan dia bergegas untuk membuka pintu.

‘Cik Umiko! Cik Umiko! Cepat membuka pintu! Cik Umiko! Cik Umiko!’ jerit orang itu dengan sekuat hati.

‘Baik! Sekejap!’ jawab Umiko sambil berlari anak-anak kerana memakai kimono dan berasa hairan siapa yang memanggilnya dengan gelaran ‘cik’.
‘Ya…apaha…eh? Kumi? Mengapa kamu…’

‘Cikh… Utada, tuan…telah…telah…dih..dih…ditangkap…’ potong Kumi tergugap-gugap sambil bernafas dengan kuat. Kemungkinan kerana dia telah lari dari tempat yang jauh, fikir Umiko.

‘A…yah? Ditangkap? Oleh siapa?’ tanya Umiko dengan perasaan yang hairan dan terkejut.

‘Tenh…tentera…Noh…Nobunaga datang…’ jawab Kumi, masih tergugap-gugap. ‘Tuan ditangkap…kerana…cik.’

‘Saya? Ayah? A…yah…’ kata Umiko dengan nada yang lemah dengan air matanya alir ke tepi pipi. Kakinya terus lemah dan dia terus melutut dengan kedengaran tangisan yang kecil.

‘Umiko? Kumi? Mengapa kamu berada di sini? Apa yang telah berlaku? Umiko? Kumi, mari masuk ke dalam dahulu,’ tanya Jiyu dengan perasaan yang gairah sambil menolong isterinya masuk ke dalam ruang tamu.

Kuro, Shaoran dan Miyu berdiri dan melihat apa yang sedang berlaku dan cuba memahaminya.

‘Siapakah perempuan itu? Mengapa dia berada di sini? Bukankah ayah mama sudah meninggal dunia? Mengapa perempuan itu memanggil mama saya sebagai Utada? Siapakah Utada?’ Soalan-soalan ini tertanya-tanya pada diri sendiri Syaoran.

‘Mama…’ kata Miyu dengan suara yang layu sambil menghulurkan tangan seolah-olah ingin membantu. Dia berasa susah hati melihat mama kesayangannya menangis.

‘Kumi, apakah yang telah berlaku?’ tanya Jiyu sementara Umiko berbaring di paha suaminya dengan tangisan yang kedengaran.

Kumi menjelaskan. ‘Tuan Yamada telah ditangkap oleh tentera Nobunaga kerana perkara Cik Utada, tuan muda Jiyu.’

‘Perkara Cik Utada? Apakah perkara itu? Adakah Cik Utada adalah mama?’ tertanya-tanya ketiga-tiga orang anak pada diri mereka sendiri.
‘Nampaknya mereka telah dapat mencari sampai ke sini.’ Kata Jiyu.

Mereka berdiam seketika dan tiba-tiba Umiko sedar bahawa tangisannya tidak akan membawakan apa faedah. ‘Saya sudah memutuskan. Jiyu, ini bukan lagi masa untuk menutup rahsia. Sudah sampai masanya anak-anak kita tahu tentangnya.’ ucap Umiko dengan penuh bersemangat.

‘Cik Utada…saya…’

‘Tidak, saya telah memutuskan untuk memberitahu anak-anak saya ini yang tidak berdosa ini. Lambat-laun mereka akan tahu juga,’ kata Umiko tanpa memberikan peluang untuk Kumi habis bercakap.


Friday, March 16, 2007


Well, for some reason, I JUST LOST MY NEW NOVEL 'SUPERNATURALIST'!!! I dont know where i put it or even someone took it. One second it was there and i go to the kitchen then back and whoosh...gone...sigh...i wonder where it went. The story is sooooo interesting and i was reading with such excitement and i just lost it...sad. Really sad. Anyway, i just started doing my looooong essay Puan Saadiah gave us. She's a very nice and sometimes hillarious teacher. She's very good to everyone in the class and i really liked her. I like attending her class which not boring...well usually unless she's talking bout the Komsas thing which i've learnt at my tuition. My BM tuition teacher is also another great teacher but came to notice, i've been there like more than a year but i doesnt even know her name lolz.

Anyway, she asked us to write about a story or whatever related to 'kasih sayang terhadap keluarga' or direct translation it's family love which i dont even know if it's proper English and i've made one up.Well, barely...i want to make a quality essay for her to read and keep up my reputation as a good student in her class. When she give us 'rumusan'(summary), usually im the one who got highest marks in the whole class including UP1 too :D im so proud of it :D I'm the only person who got full marks for my komsas part :D Well, here's my unfinished essay ==>

Perjuangan Seorang Mama.

‘Miyu, mama dah balik,’ kata Puan Umiko kepada anaknya dengan mesra.

‘Mama, dik jatuh ni. Sakit..,’ sebak Miyu dengan suara yang bermanja-manja.

,Dik…mari mama sapukan ubat. Mama juga telah belikan dik gula-gula’, ucap Puan Umiko dengan nada yang perlahan sambil berjalan ke biliknya untuk mendapatkan peti ubat.

‘Wah! Gula-gula! Terima kasih mama,’ jerit Miyu sambil senyum kepada mamanya dan ikut mamanya ke dalam bilik.

Irino Miyu merupakan anak bongsu Puan Umiko yang berumur lima tahun. Selain Miyu, Puan Umiko juga mempunyai tiga lagi orang anak. Nama Puan Umiko sebenarnya ialah Matsu Utada. Dia telah dikahwinkan kepada suaminya, Irino Jiyu pada umur 14. Ini merupakan tradisi keluarganya supaya anak perempuan dikahwinkan pada umur yang untuk menghindari mereka daripada dipaksa dijual ke ‘okiya’ iaitu rumah ‘geisha’. ‘Geisha’ merupakan penghibur untuk golongan atasan ataupun yang kaya pada zaman dahulu lagi. Pada zaman Sengoku, banyak anak perempuan telah
dipaksa oleh kerajaan yang zalim untuk menjadi ‘geisha’. Lagi-lagi, rupa Utada yang sangat cantik sesuai untuk menjadi seorang ‘geisha’. Muka wajahnya yang sangat muda dengan hidung yang tinggi, mulutnya kecil dan selalu senyum dan matanya yang membingungkan sangat menarik hati para lelaki. Tambahan pula warna kulitnya yang putih bagaikan salji dan halus bagaikan belakang bayi ini lagi menarik hati para lelaki. Walaupun begitu, terdapat juga ramai perempuan yang iri hati terhadapnya. Mereka selalu memberikan khabar angin yang tidak benar kepada orang ramai tetapi kerana Puan Umiko terkenal dengan sikapnya yang sabar dan mesra dan mengutamakan keluarga dan suaminya, khabar angin sebegitu tidak dipedulikan. ‘Lelaki inginkannya dan perempuan iri hati akannya’. Itulah yang dikatakan oleh orang ramai terhadap Puan Umiko.

‘Nah. Tak sakit lagikan? Hari ini Miyu nak makan apa?,’ tanya Umiko.

‘Hm... ah…saya tau! Dik nak makan ramen bersama dengan tekkadon, tendon dan yakitori!!! Kalau mama tak kisah, dik nak sup tonjiru ya,’ balas Miyu.

‘Wah! Miyu ini besar makan ya. Nanti perut sakit baru tahu,’ ejek Umiko.

‘Tak apa mama. Dik tahu makan maksudnya dik sihat. Kalau tak mahu makan nanti mak menangis pula’

‘Aduh anak mama ni! Dari mana belajar pula mengejek ini’


Well that's what i wrote for the past one hour lolz... for now, i wanna play a bit of ghost online then i will be doing my essay :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Holiday!!!

I can't believe it!!! My sister, Chris, just bought me the novels/story books i like :D I dreamed for that for a very loooong time. It's 'Artemis Fowl'!!! And 'Supernaturalist'. Author of the books, well, Eoin Colfer. I like reading his books. I just need one more of his book then it means that i read the complete version of 'Artemis Fowl'. I've read 'Artemis Fowl'(Vol. 1) and 'Artemis Fowl: Eternity Code'(Vol. 3 and also the ending i guess). It's bout this boy, well book of the name says it all, Artemis Fowl discovered the existence of fairies. Well, he's nothing like that Timmy's teacher from Nickelodeon's 'Fairly God Parents'. It's bout his briliant plans to get fairy's technologies and stuffs for his family's buisness. This books kept me from wasting my holiday time just like that. I've occupied my time reading those books and additional novels of my sis, Cat.

She has tons of 'Charmed' and well, i'm planning to read all of them. She has others too and for heaven sake, it's a complete version of 'Lord of The Rings' and 'Harry Potter'. Sigh...i cant immagine myself reading those sorry to say but lame novels. It's sooooo boring. I've tried to read 'Goblet of Fire' or whatever the title is once and lolz... i discovered that the story is damn long winded. Though it's quite impressive. I wont be reading these kind of books. While Cat read those, Chris read 'True Singapore Ghost Stories'. It's so dull and i can't believe that i used to read those books last time. I sent one of my story to them once and it was selected but guess what? My story totally turned upside down. I was so fed up that they changed my story until it's soooooo not TRUE!!! And from that moment onward, i never even touch that book.

Me? Well, i read R.L Stine novels and Mr. Nightmare or something like that. I was thinking bout buying that expensive 'Sun Tzu War Manual' but i can't find it anywhere. I heard Nazrin, Eric and Edward talked bout 'Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons' last year and was keen to read bout it but sweat, i spent my ang pow money on gambling and as a result, no books for me. I really appreciate that Chris bought me those books since it's not cheap. Thanks Chris.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Big Fight.

Well, yesterday, i had a big argument with my dad and today too. Yesteday everything start out fine. I refuse to go to Queensbay and Gurney with my sis and a bunch of friends cause i got an interesting story book to read which is Charmed : The Warren Witches which Cat bought. It's more comfty at home. Then, mom said she's going to fetch Darren home and persuaded me to follow. I refuse in the beginning but then, i thought it's not that bad to go to my grandma house isnt it? So, i decided to follow. In the car, my mom was discussing with me bout what am i going to eat and i told her i just wanna order take away and go to grandma house and eat. This super clever, 'never' wrong dad refuse to park by the roadside for me to buy some food and i told him on the spot that i wont be going out with him to have dinner.

Then, he drop us at my gramps house and go buy something. I insisted that we should have stopped at the Hockien Mee stall on the way to my gramps and buy but sigh, he refuses so, what to do. Then, as predicted, he drove back to gramps house and ask mom to call me go with him. I refuses to do so and we had a small quarrel then and i said that i told him that i wanna buy and eat at gramps and all this things. As he insisted that i follow him, i just walk away and back to my gramps house. Well, my uncles and aunties including my mom was persuading me to go with him and if not he will scold, bla bla bla...then i sit in the car. Then he started a sensitive topic and i just get sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot that i fought back what he said. Like usual, he say, where can you find such a good dad in the world that will buy food for his children. BLUEK!!! Stupid quote. My uncles does that duh...stupid human say stupid thing. Then we quarrel until the wantan mee stall and he still scold me despite other people is around.

I decided not to tolerate anymore and i do not want to keep his petty dignity for his sake. I just scream back and him and well, i forgot this part. I just know that im super angry. The wantan mee stall is just around my gramps house so i take my food and walk back to my gramps house. I was totally fired up and i guess i cant control my temper and just released my tantrum on anyone i talked to. This is what me and Cat similar about. We seldom get angry and i mean reeeeeeeeeeaaaaly angry and when we does, no one can stop us. Well, not no one. Just that for a small moment. Then today, he talked to me but i refused to talk to him at all. I was drinking some water through filtered pipe without using a cup or whatever. Then, he said it's kinda hard for me to drink that way and offered me a container with water he just put in.

I just ignore him and walk away into the living room. Then moments later, he cant stand it and come and scold me. I fought back again and he eventually got so hyped up and kicked me. What kind of father is that??? Then again he started to tell me, in this world, you cant find a dad that is so friendly and can play and joke with his childrens. Oh my god, he cant stop admiring himself. Angkat bakul. Well, i dare to say that my mom is the greatest and bestest(i know this word does not exist) mom in th whole universe but if you ask me bout my dad. Tch...NEVER!!! Then he tell me, dont ever ask him to help me if i ever got into trouble and beg for anything else. I was thinking, all this while, mom is the one who spoon fed me/us and you just work and use the money for house, electric and water bill. Others like phone bill is for your own duh. Mom is the one that gives me money to school and give us money to spend. You just use the money on those bills and astro. For heaven sake, my dad's salary is around 3k++ and he doesnt need to pay for his car. My sister does that but where is his money?

My house bill thingie is around RM900 while astro, electric and water bill added up is around RM 300 only duh. Where is all his money? Gambling. He gamble on stupid football and on the lottery. And he say he's a good father? Tch... i dont really wanna talk much bout it anymore cause if i wanna talk bout it, i can write a whole loooong essay bout this him. My relatives and my family always tell me, "He's your father William". Well, what the heck? I dont give a damn. I dont really practice/study those Taoism/Buddhism a lot. As long as i have my faith in Gods it's fine with me. Well, you may found this shocking but i started to have faith in Gods but of course with doubts. I wanna go sleep d. So, tataz...

Friday, March 09, 2007

It's School Holiday :D last some time for myself. Guess what? Just home an hour ago. Today it's a super tiring day. Why? Yesterday/today (midnight) i sleep at 0400 or so and woke up bout 0630. First got some GVC meeting which eventually dissapoint me. Why? THEY JUST WASTE MY PRECIOUS SLEEPING TIME THERE!!! We were suppose to do some whatever summary thing for the GVC but sweat, Eric, Tsu Kuan, Sze Chuin and a bit of Marcus is just fooling around there. And sigh...that Sze Chuin, sorry to say but he's the one that started all those things. Well, i was unhappy of course but i just kept myself quiet. I dont think he has the intention to do this thing at all. He only come for ONE GVC meeting out of dont know how many meetings.

It's not that i wanna complain but it's just too MUCH!!! I have to bare the hotness and my precious time was wasted just like that. I really regretted on going to that meeting. I went to Marcus's house right after school so...fine i thought. Eric told me the meeting is held at 1300 but all of sudden, it become 1400. Again, fine i thought. Then I take a nap there and eventually feel asleep until Tsu Kuan made a small tickle on me. Okay...he's here and others should be here soon. But when Sze Chuin comes, sigh... total disaster...more and more talks and well, Sze Chuin did the most talking while im the most quiet of them all. I got nothing to talk nor tell. Sigh...i dont wanna talk bout it anymore. It makes me soooo damn fed up. Fine i guess. Then my cousin/B.I.L(bro-in-law) come and fetch me home.

I go for another meeting at 1800 until bout 2030 or so. I dont really wanna talk bout that. It's my private session of meeting with some of my nice friends. Erin, Charmaine, Jaccent and others. But, it's hard to believe that we are going our separate ways soon. Sad...Why? Dont wanna tell either. Anyway, currently, i have 4 1As :D Well, although it's only UP1, but worked really hard on it and :D 4 1As :D My hard work pay off at least. I even got highest for BM in my class. But my marks is either going to be 86 or 90.Well, wanna go relax myself d...tataz...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007's so true...

I've taken a few tests on and all came out to be quite accurate :D

Here's the results ==>

You Are More Mild Than Wild

You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.
Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.

Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating

You're not ready to go walking down the aisle.
But you may be ready in a couple of years.
You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment.
And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility.

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.

Monday, March 05, 2007

One, two or three?

First of all,
Your Personality Profile

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

Wow, I wonder since when I last blogged :p Sometimes cause im busy while sometimes cause im lazy. Many things had happened since CNY and some are heartbreaking ones while some are sweet ones. For the first time in my life, I regretted 3 times in a month or rather in a YEAR!!! I do not regret on the most of the things I do. Don’t wanna talk much bout it. Don’t have the time. Anyway, I break my loved one’s heart, whom I call Ah Be which stands for ‘baby’ and now, Ah Be looks either reluctant, angry or avoiding me. Which is a sad thing. It’s my entire fault that this happened. I’m really sorry to her and sob…as a result, this is what happened. First, I told Ah Be something on MSN that I assume frightened her or somewhat. Then, things got from bad to worse to worst. I actually said something that hurt her feelings or so and well, since then she started to avoid me whenever is possible. Not really avoid. Rather, angry or so because she doesn’t even wanna smile at me whenever I look at her and she look back at me. Well, don’t wanna talk much bout it.

Secondly, today Chia How and me played a kinda stupid game on D-Phobia. Edward joined the first part but he didn’t join the second part. I know D-Phobia likes me since last time cause of his weird weird actions. Sigh…I feel both lucky and unlucky for this. Lucky cause it shows that I’m attractive. Unlucky cause instead of someone else, D-Phobia likes me. Not really someone else but it’s instead of a girl. Lolz…girls. I know some who likes me but I just prefer to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss. That’s what Edward taught me :D Wow. My power of attractiveness can lead to homosexual. Cool but not cool XD. I ask Chia How to tell D-Phobia that I’m going out with a guy (my fake imaginary boyfriend) to watch movie at Gurney which is not true but sweat…he take it seriously and from that moment onwards. Sigh…urgh…he kept staring at me. Smiling and smiling and smiling. Chia How told me he blushed too. Sweat. Well, I gotta go take a nap now. Anyway, I found out another person whom I dear other than Ah Be actually likes me :D