Thursday, September 06, 2007

What do you think about this?

Basically, i know i am a guy or rather male myself. But I wanna ask something. Do you think that MOST/MANY GUYS ARE STUPID??? Stupid in a way that not literally stupid but 'actionly' stupid. Well i know it's kind of hard to understand what i mean cause i dont really understand what i am saying too right now :p. Anyway, i will give out a general example instead.

Girls: They think before they act and always have a backup plan before doing something.
Guys: They just do what they want without thinking the consequences or the side effect.

Do you support what i said? I will give you some examples i've come through.


1. Both of my friends are gossiping about someone. And they gossip it loudly. Sweatz... i've told them that the volume of their gossiping can be heard by me and they just 'sweep' me off by saying 'no we're not talking about him/her/whatever'. Fine i thought. Then, they are giving nicknames to people like calling my friends Britney, Madonna or whatever. (BTW, if you're reading this, then no offense cause i'm just giving example and i did not say who you are.) And lolz...i know who are they lol although every time they denied who the person is. I cant tell you how they say but then it's SUPER OBVIOUS.

2. Again my friend gossiped about me and i was treated like an outcast for a while. I do not know why in the first place but then lolz...again obvious actions shows why i was treated as an outcast. Urm...they somehow discriminate me over some stupid thing but at last it turns out to be bogus. Can't they like do thing more secretly???

3. One of my friends bought some porno and was caught by his mom. Where'd he kept it? Well stupid enough, in his drawer. Sweatz...his father own a big house or rather bungalow and he's stupid enough to keep in his drawer and the worst of all, how come he doesnt come up with a backup plan. Like, 'In case my parents or whosoever found my porn, i should do this and that'.

While for the girls ==>

1. One of my friends is a lesbian and she came from a very strict family. Well, we're like best friend so, we tell each other many or maybe everything lolz. So this is what happened. She's not allowed to have cellphone(s) but her urmz... 'boyfriend' bought her a cellphone. Once, her mom founds out that she has a cellphone and she asked whose cellphone is this and his dad immediately grab from her and check all the stuffs inside. Found some love messages and what's her excuse? Well, she tells her parents that sweatz...the cellphone is mine and i am her lover and we're breaking up. And for an extra, she says that she denied my love but I'm persistent and as a result, she didn't get scolded because it's so called 'my fault'. But i do not get scolded either lolz. Because i did some explanations too lolz...

2. This one is a bit funny but then it's true. She has a boyfriend and other than that she has many friends. But because she wants her status to be 'single and available', so she didn't tell anyone that she has a boyfriend. But she do tell me lolz...cause she's my god sister. Then how do they meet? Well, again i was used. Everyone or rather her friends know about our relationship. And so, i become the midman or whatever and lolz...follow them go dating lolz but then i am a 'lamppost' and must be one. And in case anyone asks who is he? Well, he's just my friend lolz...

I guess that's all i want to say. See, the girls have backup plans but do the guys have them? No...they dont and they act stupidly. I know not all of them are like so but then according to science. It's true. I read it from a book that guys act without thinking while girls does. Maybe you guys out there will deny about it but then, i wont say no. It's just my opinion or the way i think. That's all...


ProFire said...

Interesting post!
I'm a guy myself and I believe it not to be true.

I don't even think this is a gender issue but a matter of counting-the-cost. This involves both gender.

The issues brought up are also dealing with different and more important matters. Example: Why is there gossip in the first place? Why should there be pornographic materials in the first place?

Cronos.R.C said...

Well, basically, i read an article about the difference between male and female in the term of brain. It says that male has a bigger brain on the part about artistic skills, games and another thing which i happened to forget.

While female has a bigger brain on the part where they talks and thinks a lot. If i am not wrong, male has a bigger size of brain on the left side while females are the opposite.

Sorry for my language...trying to improve :p