Monday, April 23, 2007

Where am I? Why am I?

Well, where'd I go all these while? Why i did not post anything for such a looooong time? Easy, busy and kinda lazy :p I need to make some studies and cope with my school life. My love life had turned back to normal, or what i guess 'normal' would be. School exam is near and sigh...i havent even do any revision, yet. At least during this period, i learnt that i still love who i love and she still love me. So, that's one good thing. The second good thing is, conflicts between me and well, my cousin ended. But something bad happened. It seems that my secrets got out of hand and was spread around. Someone whom i trust my secrets with eventually backfire and either him or his mate has that kind of big mouth and blab it out.'s my fault too but i am really disappointed with him.

This taught me to have a 'BIGGER' eye when communicating with someone. I'm a slow learner i guess. Well, at least i made some kind of nice friends this year. I dont know if i am anti-social or sort but i am proud to have Edward, Matthew and Nazrin. That's all i need i guess. I've seen many others who have many friends but do they have friends that will accompany you all the time or so? No, i dont think so. When they are in group, one tends to get neglected and then, poof, you're alone and you don't even know when it happened. Me, Matt, Ed and Nazrin were different. Matt and Ed had been best friends like...i dont know. Form 1 maybe. While i joined them later last year. I met Nazrin too last year. I dont know what to say but i definitely appreciate our friendship and i really hope that it will not stop after our school life in PFS ended.

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